Feedback from Deepta

18 Aug

I was fortunate enough to meet with Deepta Sateesh in Chennai yesterday. She had to give me some feedback on whether i could share the results of the very extensive (and still continuing) survey on CSA that i am conducting. I should be able ot share the results very soon.

As she was on my pre dip panel, she was well aware with my interest in this field and i gave her an idea of where i am currently with regard to deadlines and progress and content.

She was very kind to share her thoughts on my project and also provided me with “service design tools”to deal with organising my content and thoughts. She was of the opinion these tools help in moving faster and provide a backbone and some sort of structure.

While there are plenty of service design tools, not all are applicable. I am going to create a separate category called “Service Design Tools” – so you can find the ones ive used.

Apart form this – she has agreed to put me onto a counsellor from the American International School in Chennai. I look forward to that meeting.
Another very important feedback she gave me was – to validate at every point the reasons for making the decisions i am making. This will help me support my enquiry during internals. And also personally, it will be a good way to gauge the cause and effect of my choices.

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